Apr 1, 2021

Compliments to the Chefs for Food & Drink Month

Everyone knows Twitch’s got game. We also got: chocolate croissants, chicken gumbo, fettuccine alfredo, soup dumplings, and a full bar of drinks for all ages. That’s right, this month we’re shining a spotlight on the culinary creators who proudly open up their kitchens and mixology shelves to help us all level up our own skills.  

Community Challenges 

We’re kicking things off with your favorite Food and Drink streamers creating mouthwatering gaming inspired dishes. Then throughout the month they’ll be sharing their recipe cards, letting you put your own spin on their signature dishes and drinks. Join in the fun by tweeting your own creations to us @Twitch and tagging us on Instagram.

Check out the full menu of upcoming featured streamers here: 

Even as 2021 seems to be moving toward a return to normal, this is still a time where many people are facing food insecurity due to Covid-19. So we’re continuing to work with two charities to help raise aid for all those who need it most. Find out how you can get involved:

No Kid Hungry

How they’re helping: 

  • According to No Kid Hungry, nearly 22 million low-income kids from communities across the country rely on the free and reduced-price meals they receive at school. For many, these meals may be the only nutritious food that they’ll receive on a given day. 
  • No Kid Hungry is advocating for the U.S. Department of Agriculture to provide flexibility in how kids access meals during this time and for Congress to make sure SNAP is maximized for struggling families.
  • No Kid Hungry is also mobilizing for plans to help feed children in need.

You can join the No Kid Hungry mission by creating a support campaign here

Feeding America

How they’re helping: 

  • According to Feeding America, households facing hunger may be more susceptible to the virus, further contributing to the demands placed on food banks. A fund has been established to help the Feeding America network of food banks as they support communities and families impacted by the pandemic. 
  • This includes building an inventory of emergency food boxes and distributing them to member food banks across the country, as well as working to get incremental funding to support other anticipated costs. 
  • Feeding America is also working with government leaders to ensure the emergency response includes strong support in food, funds, and flexibility for federal nutrition programs.

Be part of Feeding America’s campaign here.

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Ready for Liftoff: The Twitch CLI Hits 1.0

We're delighted to announce the launch of Twitch CLI 1.0, which brings full parity of EventSub and WebSub along with additional improvements introduced throughout the beta versions.
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