Feb 20, 2020

Live Tracker Extension for League of Legends: Get Live and On-Demand Stats for League Matches

League of Legends is a game of virtually endless possibilities. With 145 champions (each with five abilities), plus 60 runes, nine Summoner spells, and 100 items to choose from, nobody’s seeing it all any time soon. In fact, according to a little something called math, there are over 40 billion possible team combinations. 

(Almost) needless to say, that while anyone can play and watch League, it is a complex game to master. League streamers on Twitch often have to find the balance between playing competitively at the highest level, or engaging their viewers with tips on how they can stay at the top of their game. Wouldn’t it be great if streamers could enable their viewers to see their inventory, K/D/A, and build strategy anytime they wanted? Now they can!

Introducing the Live Tracker extension for League of Legends

As part of League Week, we announced the Live Tracker extension for League of Legends. Designed to bring League of Legends communities closer together, the Live Tracker extension promotes real-time interaction between the streamer, viewer, and the game. By bringing live game data into an overlay extension on Twitch, the extension gives viewers unprecedented access into a streamer’s gameplay stats. When activated on a channel, viewers can inspect a streamer’s Scoreboard, Summoner stats, Build Summary, and Match History for the current match to get an insider’s look at their match strategies live and on-demand. 

Starting today, you can install the Live Tracker extension on your channel here. Let’s take a look at some of the extension’s features. 

Summoner Summary 

On the Summoners tab, you can inspect all Summoners in a match to see their key stats like K/D/A and win rates for the season, as well as the Summoners’ current champions in the match including stats for the current position (Top, Jungle, Mid, Bottom, and Support). Viewers can also see the current match’s total team kills and Creep Score (CS) shown in increments of 10.


Viewers can see the leaderboard for the current match by selecting the Scoreboard tab. Here they can get a quick look at all the champions in the game and their active role. The scoreboard shows the current K/D/A, CS (in increments of 10), and Vision Score for every champion. Additionally, viewers will see active runes and items purchased.

Build Summary

To see how a streamer upgrades their character throughout a match, viewers can check out the Build tab. The Build Summary provides viewers a live look at the streamer’s champion, spells, abilities, and the order at which they are upgraded, along with their associated hotkey. Viewers can also see a timeline of all purchased items, as well as selected runes and their associated tree.

Match History

The History tab gives viewers a summary of a streamer’s last five matches. Match details like result (victory or defeat), champion used, items purchased, K/D/A, CS, Gold earned, and Vision Score can be found right here.

The Live Tracker extension has something for everyone! Whether you’re a streamer looking for new ways to engage your community while playing-to-win, or a viewer who wants to learn the best strategies from their favorite streamers, the Live Tracker helps you connect with the streamers and fans on Twitch who care about the game as much as you do.

Getting Started

Streamers can install the Live Tracker extension on their channel here. Just in time for this weekend’s upcoming Clash tournaments. 

Viewers can search for League of Legends channels that have the Live Tracker installed, on desktop and mobile, here

For help with questions about the Live Tracker, click here 

We’re always looking for feedback on how to improve the experience. Let us know your ideas by tapping on the “Feedback” button on the extension under the Pin and Minimize buttons. 

We’re looking forward to hearing from you and to seeing you wreck bases on the Rift!

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