Jun 8, 2017 - By Brian Petrocelli

Watch the Comey hearings on Twitch

You read that right, ex-FBI Director James Comey’s testimony in front of the United States Senate’s Intelligence Committee will air on twitch.tv/news from 10am EST — 1PM EST with Twitch chat in all its glory. Twitch is offering this broadcast as a public service to our community.

You may remember that last summer we broadcast the Republican and Democratic conventions on Twitch. We wanted to provide the Twitch community with an easy, familiar way to get involved in the political process. Thousands of you joined us to not only hear the speakers, but also to engage with each other via Twitch chat.

Speaking of chat, we’ll be protecting everyone’s experience with the highest level of AutoMod in addition to support from our professional moderation team.

In other news
Jun 8, 2017

A step-by-step guide to Co-streaming E3 on Twitch

E3 on Twitch begins on Saturday, June 10, and with it comes the return of Co-streaming. Hold your applause, please!
A step-by-step guide to Co-streaming E3 on Twitch Post
Jun 7, 2017

Watch the Bethesda E3 Showcase on Twitch and get free Drops

You’re invited to Bethesdaland! Celebrate all of their games with us live on Twitch throughout E3 week. As an added bonus, you can link…
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