Mar 17, 2017 - By Noreen T. M.

It’s getting faster and easier to find what you love on Twitch

Updated: June 28, 2017

At Twitch, we always look to the community for inspiration. Throughout the years, we’ve built new features, made updates, and added whole new content categories based on your feedback, working quickly to mold Twitch to what you want it to be. You OG users will remember that the site looked pretty different just a few years ago.

Discovery features like Pulse and Communities help you find new streamers, and social features like Friends and Whispers help you stay in touch with the people you meet in chat.

Now it’s time for the next step in the evolution of Twitch, and once again we’re using your feedback as the foundation.

Starting Monday, we’ll be improving website navigation to make it faster and easier for you to find whatever you’re looking for on Twitch. The changes will roll out to a portion of users next week and will be available to all users in the coming weeks. If you’re one of the users in our initial rollout, please share your feedback on the Twitch product forums.

Want to take a look at what’s changing?

Watch the video below for a walkthrough of the new navigation, coming soon to Twitch.

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Video Transcript


When Twitch first launched, it was a really different site than it is today.


Actually, it’s a pretty different site than it was at TwitchCon six months ago. You may have noticed that we’ve shipped a lot of new stuff lately.

And we’ve heard a lot of feedback from you that it’s increasingly difficult to find the streams and streamers that you love.

So we’re evolving the navigation of our website, and soon we’ll be doing the same with our apps.

But because this change is for you, we wanted to bring you along with us and give you a sense of what’s going on behind the scenes.

Our goal is simple — make it easier and faster for you to reach the streams you care about most.

One obvious change is Pulse, which becomes the foundation of our front page. And once you find great streams from Pulse, you can hit Twitch in the new top navigation bar to get back there at any time. We should tell you that there’s a new top navigation bar. That purple thing that runs along the top of the site and has a bunch of words in it — that’s your new navigation bar.

The left hand side used to show Games, Communities, Channels, Videos, and Creative for the times when you wanted a specific content type, but were open minded about who streamed it.

Essentially, you were window shopping. Or Browsing.

So we bundled these directories into one tab at the top — helpfully called ‘Browse’.

Sometimes you come to Twitch to watch a specific game, but often you come to watch a specific streamer. So rather than making you search to find them, we’ve put live channels you follow on the left hand side of every page. Which means you’ll always know who’s live and what your friends are watching, no matter where you are on the site.

Your feedback is essential to shaping the tools and features we want to build, so thank you. Keep it coming!

And because this is just the first of many improvements to how you find what you’re looking for on Twitch, expect to see more of us in the future.

Until next time, happy streaming!

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