Jun 20, 2016 - By Annie Berrones

You can now send personal messages on sub anniversaries!

Whether it’s through TwitchCon or Friends, we’re always looking for exciting ways to connect you with streamers you love. Last year, we added alerts to celebrate your subscription anniversaries. Today, we’re building upon that feature to make it a little more personal.

Now when you resub, you’ll have the option of sending a shout-out to the streamer you’re supporting. Not only will your message be highlighted in chat, it’ll pop up on-screen if the overlays are enabled by the broadcaster!

How It Works

  • When your subscription renews, you can send one message per month, per channel sub.

  • You’ll have up to 255 characters to share your own sub hype to the streamer you’re watching. And, yes emotes are supported!

  • Don’t feel like writing anything? You can dismiss the option, or leave it blank to send a generic message.

For Our Streamers & Mods

In building this feature, we wanted it to be compatible with your existing tools. We’ve been working with the dev community to integrate these new messages with the overlays that power your stream.

We also understand that you may want better control over resub messages that your community can send and view. For our initial release, a re-subscriber’s message can be moderated. If you use overlays, your provider may have additional ways for you to dismiss or preview the messages before they show up on stream. Finally, all custom messages will follow banned words lists already in place (global and channel).

For more details on how these new resub messages work, check out our FAQ.

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