Jun 13, 2016 - By Evan Freitas

The E3 Virtual Ticket swag-bag is back

E3 is finally here, but what if you can’t make it out to la-la land in person? We’ve got you covered. First, watch all of the excitement at Twitch’s official E3 event page where you can find all the content in one place. Then, pick up the E3 2016 Digital Ticket, the third edition of the convention’s virtual swag bag we’ve put together with our friends at Humble Bundle to support The ESA Foundation. The ESA Foundation provides scholarships to students aspiring to create games and work in the gaming industry and supplies grants to schools and non-profits to expand educational opportunities using digital games and technology. So not only will you be getting a crazy amount of cool stuff, you’ll also be supporting a great cause.

This year’s Digital Ticket is bursting at the seams with over $330 of games, DLC, and in-game goodies — the publishers and titles involved include:

• Double Fine — Psychonauts, Mountain

• 505 Games / Pipeworks — SUPERFIGHT

• Nexon — Ghost in the Shell

• Perfect World Entertainment — Neverwinter Adventurer’s Helper Pack

• Obsidian Entertainment / Paizo Publishing — Pathfinder Adventures

• NCSoft — WildStar, Blade + Soul

• Digital Extremes — Warframe

• Sony Interactive — GUNS UP!

• TURBO — Super Senso

• Hi-Rez Studios — Paladins, SMITE

• Starbreeze Studios / OVERKILL — PAYDAY 2

my.com — Armoured Warfare

• Grey Box / Six Foot — Grey Goo

• Gaijin Entertainment — War Thunder

• Bitbox — Life Is Feudal: Your Own

• And more to be revealed later!

Even cooler, Humble Bundle lets you choose your price and how much you’d like to give to charity. So be sure to check out the E3 2016 Digital Ticket before it takes off for summer vacation on June 21 at 11AM Pacific Time.

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