Aug 4, 2014

A Day in the Life at Twitch — Amber Dalton, Director of Marketing Events

Name, position, and when you started at Twitch.

  • Amber Dalton, Director of Marketing Events, started Aug 2011. I think I was the 4th hire specifically for the Twitch brand.

Where were you prior to starting at Twitch?

  • Before I found my amazing home at Twitch, I spent most of my days as Founder & Leader of PMS Clan, the world’s largest group of female competitive gamers whose mission is to provide a competitive, fun and safe environment to women in games. As a former competitive player with rankings in games like Halo2, Gears Of War and Fight Night. I have always been one to rise to challenges and Twitch was a very unique concept at the time. I was excited to be a part of helping to build something that I felt would would help the gamers and the industry itself so much.

When you’re not at the office, you’re…

  • I am very lucky to be able to work and live in Twitch’s beautiful home city of San Francisco. On weekends, you can typically find me with my friends (I am lucky to have many PMS members in the city) at one of SF’s many parks, concerts or amazing street fairs which all celebrate this city’s diverse cultural and background. You can literally go three blocks and be in a very different neighborhood with its own ethnic micro-climate. The entire city loves any excuse to celebrate them all! Also, I go camping about once a month outside the city with a Werewolves game group … we play the game (a social game similar to Mafia) around the campfire at night and we hike, swim, fish or play other games during the day.

Where did you hear about Twitch/your position at Twitch?

  • I was looking to come back to the games industry after some time off in the industry and my friend James Harding (2GD) sent me a link to a BD position they had opened. As a gamer, I was intrigued and excited to be part of a company that could enable my gamer friends to earn a better living while sharing their passion and dedication to all their favorite games. Being able to work with all of my friends in game companies and help find a new way for their company to promote the games is exciting as well. To me, Twitch is a win-win and I never looked back!

What do you do at Twitch/what does your typical day look like?

  • Most of the time I am heads down on my PC in emails, working with vendors, researching venues and/or collaborating with colleagues across all departments to ensure our company and events are represented well globally. I also work with a lot of partners for integrations into our events through game play, sponsorship and support and spend a lot of time traveling as well. If you can’t find me at my desk, you can probably find me raiding our snack shelves in the break room or enjoying one of the awesome massages the company provides for us!

What’s the best part about working for Twitch?

  • To me (all perks aside even though they are important), my favorite thing about working for Twitch would be the fact that I get to work daily with so many amazing people! From our internal group who makes this place a joy to come to everyday, to the awesome developer partners, to the amazing fellow gamers I see at every PAX show. As a person that thrives on interaction with other people, there is not a company in the world that could allow me to keep and make so many friends in an everyday work environment!

What’s your favorite perk at Twitch?

  • There are so many, but I have to say my favorite perk is not any perk in particular, but the way the company will listen/respond to things we WANT as perks. They even have an internal group to help review and/or think of new things. For example, I emailed about interest in juices and the next week they had a trial of fresh organic juices delivered (which still come once a week). Several of us in the company went on a low carb diet, and they ordered us low carb snacks, breads and shakes. From our favorite soda being ordered to our massage times being bumped up to 45min, you know everyday you’re at work that the company really cares about its individuals.

What helps Twitch stand out amongst other startups in the City?

  • See above, no startup can fake that. :-D

What advice would you give to someone looking to join the Marketing team at Twitch?

  • Keep an eye out on the Job board and email anyone you might know in the company to refer you. Like other companies, employee referrals will get a closer look usually so it never hurts to reach out!
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