May 28, 2014

Tour Our Crib; We’ve Come a Long Way, Baby

Way back in the year 2011, the goodly people at TechCrunch visited the offices of then for an episode of TechCrunch Cribs. We use the term “office” loosely. You have to watch that one first. (You can’t watch The Empire Strikes Back without first watching Star Wars.) Go ahead, we’ll wait..

Did you hear? “We’re working a lot on video game broadcasting.” I wonder how that turned out? #Kappa

Flashforward 3 years, and…We’re all growns up! Check out our current digs and see for yourself.

What you should look/listen for:

  • Music — So chill

  • Hot sauce — Still bringing the heat

  • Art & toys — We LIVE gaming culture

  • The bar — Cuz la da di da di, we like to party

Our Design team did an amazing job with the space. We also got some help from Oakland-based artist Justin Orr, who did the mural in the Lunchroom, and Seattle based-artist Don Clark, who did the mural in the PC Gaming Lounge (not featured).

We’d also like to thank our architectural crews from Rapt Studio, Summit Construction Management, and Skyline Construction.

If you liked the tour and think you got the game to work here, come check out our Jobs page. We’re always looking for talented people!

In other news
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May 22, 2014

Street Fighter: Assassin’s Fist Live Twitch Premiere

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