Apr 14, 2014

New Browsing Experience: “Infinite Scroll”

Twitch is now more than ever a multi-screen experience. The landscape on which the community interacts with Twitch now spans Web, mobile (iOS and Android), and console (Xbox 360, Xbox One and PS4). And that list is sure to grow.

The design team has a particularly challenging job: ensuring that the Twitch experience is as seamless as possible across all those platforms, both current and future.

Today, we launched a simple but profound feature: “Infinite Scroll.” This allows the user to browse Twitch directory pages (by game, channel, etc.) without that pesky “Load More” button. Now it’s a seamless scrolling mechanism that gives you immediate access to a deeper browsing experience that is much more like iOS or Android tablets.

And remember, you can still sort Twitch directories by either “Top” or “Random.” We encourage everyone to browse the directories randomly every now and again. It helps discover new and lesser-known broadcasters. Hopefully this helps in that regard too.

As always, let us know what you think at feedback@twitch.tv. We’re listening.

Twitch “Infinite Scroll” — note the lack of the “Load More” button.

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