Twitch Store. Opening Monday. Also, 2000 Purple Hoodies. ‘Nuff. Said. Period.
You may have noticed with a countdown timer that started on April 1st. It wasn’t an April Fool’s joke, only because we have no sense of humor/humour. Obviously.
We’re pleased to announce that the Twitch Store is back in business on Monday, April 7th, 2014, at 6p PT. This time, we’re playing for keeps. We’re opening up this eStorefront to brand you in fine linens 24 hours a day, 7 days week, to infinity and…
HOLD EVERYTHING! You said 2000 Purple Hoodies?!?!
To give this store a proper open (I’m told using “proper” makes things more proper), we’re making available 2000 purple hoodies, as well as a selection of t-shirts and another hoodie option. And then that’s it. Maybe we’ll add more in the future. Or maybe we won’t. I’ll never tell.
*Final product may vary
Frequently Asked Questions (before you ask these questions frequently)
Q. Magic 8-Ball, can we rely on your wisdom to divine our FAQ answers?
A. Most likely. (Alrighty then.)
Q. How long will the store be open this time?
A. It is decidedly so. (Hmm…lukewarm start.)
Q. Will you ship globally?
A. You may rely on it. (Gonna hold you to that.)
Q. Why only 2000 purple hoodies?
A. Reply hazy try again. (Purple hazy?)
Q. Will I be able to accept delivery before PAX East 2014?
A. Outlook not so good. (That’s why I use Gmail.)
Q. Will these items be on sale at the Twitch booth at PAX East 2014?
A. My sources say no. (Thank you, Magic 8-Ball.)