Feb 20, 2014

Twitch Sponsors Winter Brawl 8

Winter Brawl 8, one of the East Coast’s biggest fighting game tournaments, takes place this weekend and includes competitions across many of the world’s top fighting games. Today I’m happy to announce that Twitch is on board as an official sponsor.

Big E Gaming and the personnel behind WB8 have shown nothing but professionalism and have proven time and time again that they strive to add value to the Fighting Game Community (FGC), pushing the community forward with quality events. But that’s not all! WB8 this year also includes one of the strongest Gears of War community events of the year, Hypefestation.

For all the reasons above, it was an easy choice for Twitch to continue to support the growth of the FGC and get involved in Winter Brawl 8.

You can watch WB8 this Saturday and Sunday starting at 9AM PST / 12PM EST and running throughout the day. The main feed will be produced by TeamSp00ky, but you can catch all five streams from the event LIVE on the Winter Brawl 8 team page.

For more information on Winter Brawl 8, visit the official WB8 website.

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