Dec 10, 2013

Sony Announces Initial Results of PS4 Share Integration on Twitch

Today Sony announced “that hundreds of thousands of PlayStation®4 (PS4™) owners have embraced the integrated streaming capabilities of the PS4 computer entertainment system.”

Since launch of the PS4, 10% of all broadcasts on Twitch have been from the PS4 Share integration. To celebrate and highlight this integration, we’ve added a Top PS4 Channels feature to our home page, and created a separate directory for PS4 broadcasts.

“When people look back at the true game changers of 2013, the integration of Twitch into the current generation consoles will be on the short list,” said Matthew DiPietro, VP of Marketing, Twitch. “As testament to the growing appeal of live broadcasting video game content, the amount of broadcasters on Twitch has grown from around 600,000 in October to more than 700,000 in November. In addition to more than 100K new broadcasters signing up since the launch of PlayStation 4, PS4 owners make up ten percent of all content on Twitch based on minutes broadcast.”

In case you missed it, here’s an earlier blog with a quick how-to-use and few other anecdotes.

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