Jul 24, 2013

/Old Channel Pages to be Removed August 1

It’s time to bid farewell to the original Twitch channel pages, currently accessed by adding /old to any channel URL. This is a move that we’ve alluded to for quite some time, and with the completion of the new layout across Twitch, along with the addition of profile pages, there’s never going to be a more optimal time to remove them from the site.

We’ll be removing the old channel pages from Twitch on August 1, and at a time when traffic on those pages has never been lower. Less than 1% of the Twitch audience currently visits an old channel page. This isn’t terribly surprising as we saw an incredible lift in engagement from chat activity to even followers gained per channel as soon as we switched over to the new design.

We will never cease working to innovate and improve upon the current channel page design, and it’s better for everyone that we support and maintain one layout moving forward. Be sure to save your work now if you still have a robust old channel page, and we’ll see you on the other side!

In other news
Jul 25, 2013

Twitch Shows Support for Summer Games Done Quick 2013

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Jul 18, 2013

Search returns to Twitch iOS and Android Apps

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