Jun 25, 2013

Twitch App Update Brings Major Features to Android

Good news, everyone! We’re happy to report that you may now login to your Twitch account and view followed channels with the latest update to the Twitch App for Android. This has been a long time coming as the Android app never allowed for this in the past. It’s all kind of silly in retrospect, so I guess we’ll all just look back on this one day and laugh, yeah? Here are the patch notes:

New in Version 1.1.0

  • Persistent Login: New to the Twitch App for Android is the ability to login to your Twitch account. Not only that, but the app will also remember you did this and will not ask for your credentials again. Pat your phone on the head, because it’s doing a whiz-bang job here.

  • Following Directory: Watch the channels you’re following on http://twitch.tv that are currently available for viewing on the app. You’ll need to login in to use this feature.

  • Account Logout: Since we’ve included the ability to login we thought you’d also like to be able to logout. Another technological innovation from your friends at Twitch!

  • Kabam Integration: Choose from an assortment of wonderful mobile games from our friends at Kabam, or continue watching other people play video games. That works, too.

It’s been three months now since we rebooted our Android development, and we’ve been running a successful beta program ever since. Progress is most certainly being made, and we’re committed to ensuring that what we release is of the highest quality with as few bugs as possible. As always, keep in touch and let us know what you think of this update.

You can download the Twitch App for Android from the Google Play Store.

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