Jun 18, 2013 - By Jason Maestas

Time Warner Cable Works with Twitch to Improve Service

We’d like to thank Time Warner Cable (TWC) clientele for all of your feedback during recent months. You let us know via Twitter, our forums, and our CEO’s AMA on Reddit that you had issues using our site. You let TWC know as well.

We’d also like to thank Time Warner itself for sitting down with us to hash out how best to serve video to you. Since that time we’ve heard from many TWC customers that the quality of Twitch video service has vastly improved.

This is a testament to your resolve and persistence, and TWC’s willingness to sit down with us to find a solution.

We at Twitch are dedicated to providing the best user experience possible. The Customer Support and Community teams are your advocates within Twitch. We let internal teams know when we hear of service issues that are affecting your experience.

We know there are many non-Time Warner customers out there who experience service issues daily. We ask that you be as persistent as Time Warner users. Let us know. Let your ISP know (call them, email, go to their forums). We would love to sit down with each and every ISP and work on better serving you.

Thanks again for all of your feedback!

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