May 23, 2013

Twitch Android App Beta List Round #2

Last month, we enlisted your help in our Twitch App for Android Beta Program. This was a great success and helped us lay solid groundwork for future development. We’d now like to expand the program so that we can get even more feedback. We’re again opening up the beta program for sign-ups for the next 48 hours or 1500 sign-ups (whichever comes first).

Please click here to sign up for the beta program.

Note that the coming version of the Android app will bring you some highly anticipated functionality. We want to get it right the first time. That’s where you come in!

If you sign up for the beta program, please do us a favor and give us specific feedback on the following functionality:

  • Log-in to your Twitch account from within the app and view your followed streams list.

  • Launch the app again and make sure logging in a second time behaves the same as the first time.

  • Follow a new channel that you haven’t followed before.

  • If you find any crashes please let us know how to duplicate the crash.

Most importantly, please let us know your device version whenever you encounter any issues so we can investigate the issue with more details. Thanks!

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