Apr 11, 2013

New Changes to Twitch Game Directory

We’ve recently made a few design changes to the Twitch game directories that will help promote highlighted content, as well as encourage broadcasters to cut videos of their greatest moments. You can see these changes for yourself by clicking over to any game directory on Twitch.

By default, you’ll now land on the overview directory, which provides you with a look at not only the most popular live channels for that game, but the most watched archived videos for the week as well. From here, you can click over to view only live Twitch channels, or dig deeper into the highlights in the video-only directory.

This enhanced focus on highlights doubles-down on some of the changes we made back in March, as we want broadcasters’ greatest moments to continue to live on after the live show is over. This is slowly rolling out across the site, so don’t panic if you’re not seeing the new directory just yet. As always, let us know what you think!

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