Mar 21, 2013

1.1 Million is the Magic Number for StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm

Congrats to Blizzard on a number of milestones regarding their latest release, StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm, and they all have a common set of digits to share. After only its initial two days on sale, the StarCraft expansion sold more than 1.1 million copies worldwide. Read about it on The Next Web and the StarCraft II website.

While that’s an impressive feat on its own, more than 1.1 million viewers tuned into Blizzard’s global launch broadcasts right here on Twitch, with a concurrent viewer peak of 125k. Not to be out done, Major League Gaming is reporting that not only did — you guessed it — more than 1.1 million viewers tune in just to watch StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm during the Winter Championships, but it also reached a concurrent viewer peak of more than 157k.

When it comes to viewership, StarCraft is most definitely back, and much like its covergirl, with a vengeance at that.

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