Mar 19, 2013

New Release Tuesday: All The Feels Edition

It’s an emotional release week as Microsoft ships what is expected to be its last, big-budget Xbox 360 title before the new wave of consoles. On the opposite end of the spectrum, Cart Life arrives on Steam, taking players by the hand and walking them down into a deep, depressing abyss from which light shall never again reach them. It’s really fantastic.

New Releases for Tuesday, March 19–26

Gears of War: Judgment (Xbox) — Microsoft’s last big Xbox 360 release takes the Gear of War series back to the beginning.

LEGO City Undercover (WiiU) — A WiiU exclusive that puts a cute twist on the Grand Theft Auto formula.

Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate (WiiU) — An updated version of the Wii’s Monster Hunter Tri.

Cart Life (PC) — Do you never want to be happy again? Play this soul crushing life simulator. You’ll love it!

Monster Loves You! (PC) — Decide between the path of ferociousness or cuddliness in this unique monster simulation.

Trials Evolution: Gold Edition (PC) — Trials returns to the platform where it all began, including content from Trials HD.

Organ Trail: Director’s Cut (PC) — It’s Oregon Trail, only it’s about a zombie — You know what? You’re probably already downloading it.

What do you think of this weeks releases?

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